Wolfmaan, in association with Barefoot Bushcraft presents a 1 day hiking workshop – Barefoot Hiking.
Barefoot hiking (1 day)
Humans have been on the planet for almost a million years. We have only been wearing shoes for the last couple of thousand years. Out feet provide us with amazing and sensual feedback, and connect us to the environment in ways few people can grasp. Spiritual people from most religions advise us that going barefoot helps our connection with self and the earth.
This course introduces modern, shoe-wearing people to an entire new way of living and connecting with the earth.
Topics include:
- dispelling myths
- preparing yourself
- hazards and problems of going barefoot.
Price: $150.00per person ($50.00 off if couple)
Location: Niagara Region
Hours: 10:00 to 18:00hrs (with 1/2hr break)
Phone: 1-866-248-1362