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Introduction to Skijoring It's not news that humans have a passionate love affair with dogs. For over 10,000 years humans
In this short video, Instructor Dave demonstrates how to tie the Marlin Spike Hitch, useful in hanging a pack from
Bruce Trail Cammo
WEEK 8 Trip Report July 22, 2009 Bruce Trail Expedition 2009 Wolfmaan's Final Week as a thru hike on the
Barefoot Bushcraft Radio Show Season 2, Episode 10 Broadcast Saturday, July 26, 2014 In This Episode: - Wolfmaan discusses the
Tuesday, May 29 - 2007 12:15 - 15:45 Start: 12:30 Roads: Dry / clear Visibility: 24km Temp: +19C Area: Niagara
Creating a Rope Hank
In this video, Instructor Dave demonstrates how to create a "hank" also known as coiling rope. 
Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:50 – 15:00 Start: 11:00 Roads: Dry / Clear Visibility: 24km Temp: +20C Area: Halton Hills
Episode 28 Season 2 – Barefoot Bushcraft Radio Show Saturday, February 21st, 2015 In this episode of the Barefoot Bushcraft Radio
Barefoot Bushcraft Radio Show Season 2, Episode 18 November 22, 2014 On this episode Wolfmaan discusses: - Voicemail from a
Dogs pulling scooter
A short video of running most of the pack through the woods in the evening.  It was only the second
Canine Crisis Management
Canine Crisis Management   At any time, your dog – a member of your family, may have a remote medical
Devil Dollar Play
Each year, ELLAT Productions puts on an outdoor play at a private estate in Niagara-On-The-Lake. In 2012, the play was
Wolfmaan, in partnership with Barefoot Bushcraft and Niagara Quartermaster present the Building Your Bug Out Bag workshop! Description: This is
What's In Your Pack?
  Each year, hundreds of people die needlessly from what would be a short exploration of their local woods. A
Pet disaster
  Diaster Preparedness For Pets - on Dog Talk Radio with Dave McMahon. Outdoor Educator & Survival Instructor Wolfmaan talked about
Adventurer Wolfmaan visits a series of wind turbines located on the north shore of Lake Erie, Ontario Canada. During this
Shipwrecks are pretty cool. Many people have a fascination with them. Perhaps it's because of there overbearing, colossal size, or
Spring Plants 2021 In this video, I discuss some of the many spring plants found on the forest floor in
Tents At Sunset
Niagara Bushcrafters April Campout by Wolfmaan Sunday, April 8th the Niagara Bushcrafters met for the first official camp-out of the
Toronto YouTube Meet
On Saturday, April 21st, 2012 I had the privilege of attending the Toronto YouTube Gathering. I took the opportunity to
Pulling The Ferro Rod October 22, 2021 Instructor Wolf demonstrates a more efficient way to pull the Ferro Rod. During
In this video, Instructor Wolfmaan demonstrates how to split and prepare firewood using a sturdy knife. The process is called
YouTube Problems
  I am a professional film maker. I have a passion for bringing funny, and informative videos to my world-wide