Put On Snow Shoes

How to Put On Snowshoes

How to put on Snowshoes

Recently, I was out leading a hike with the Niagara College Outdoors Club, and came across two women who were on snowshoes.Both women were complaining bitterly about their first hike in their new shoes. When I approached them, they were visibly frustrated and remarked they were planning on disposing of the snowshoes after this hike as they were rubbish.

A quick examination of their predicament and I noticed they had put the snowshoes on incorrectly. After some quick advice on how their snowshoes needed to be attached to their boots, they were on their way and happy with their purchase.

After the hike, I ran into them in the parking lot and they said I had helped them enjoy the snowshoes and they would have otherwise thrown them into the rubbish bin.

As a result, I decided to create a short how-to film in properly using snowshoes. Please comment and enjoy.

How to Put on Snowshoes

8 thoughts on “How to Put On Snowshoes

  1. Really like your web sites details! Undoubtedly a beautiful provide of information that’s extremely helpful. Keep it up to carry publishing and iโ€™m gonna proceed reading by means of! Cheers.

  2. Pingback: NYxaoOU7
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  4. It’s too bad Niagara College doesn’t have an outdoors club anymore. I was a student there in 2015. People spoke of the legend of the Wolfmaan, but they said you run your own school now or something.

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