During the 2014 Toronto Outdoor Adventure show, Wolfmaan presented a talk on his 2009 Bruce Trail expedition. This talk was sponsored by Hiking Holidays Canada.ย During the presentation, there was a fantastic turn-out of almost 50 people taking part in the seminar.
Barefoot On The Bruce: An Adventurer’s Tale from Wolfmaan on Vimeo.
The Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show was kind enough to make a great advert for Wolfmaan before the presentation.

Tags: Adventure, Adventurer, Airforce, Army, Bear, Bear Grylls, Bruce Trail, BTC, bushcraft, camping, Canada, Canoe, Cast Iron, Cooking, David Arama, Falls, Feet, Ferro, Film, fire, Grylls, Hiking, Hot Tent, Hot Tenting, Les Stroud, Mil-Spec, Military, National, Natural Plan Coop, Nature Connection, Nature Deficit Disorder, navy, Newspaper, Niagara, Niagara Falls, Online, Ontario, Outdoors, Outdoos, Packing, Park, Plus, Presentation, product, Provincial, Provincial Park, Review, Rod, Starter, Stove, Surival, survival, toes, Toronto, UK, Video, Vimeo, Wilderness, Wolfmaan