
Interpretive Hike


Wolfmaan, in partnership with Ontario Bushcraft Club Presents:

Saturday, November 16th, 2013 we are hosting a 6km interpretive hike along the Southernmost section of the Bruce Trail.

This hike will include an explanation of the history of the area, the Queenston Limestone mine, and various historic sites along the section of the Bruce Trail.

We are going to explore the following:

• Queentson Limestone Mine

• Cold War Era Relics

• Old Mines

• Lime Kilns

• The Donkey Path

• Homsteads along the trail


As always, please bring your bushcraft gear, comfortable hiking shoes, food, and your adventure spirit.
We welcome people from all life stages.

Dogs and children are always welcome, as walk slowly.

We hope to see everyone there!

Look for the vehicle with the road cone on the roof – that will be your hiking party for the day. We will gather at the South Carin of the Bruce Trail, and move to the start of the hike. when everyone arrives.



RSVP at the Ontario Bushcraft Club,

by clicking HERE

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